Sunday, June 28, 2015

Music Freebie!

Hi all!  It's Shelley from Pitch Publications and Pitch Clips!  I am so excited to be a part of this collaborative blog!  I have an amazing group of teacher-author-artists who produce amazing things! I hope you are following all of us to see what is the latest and greatest!

Today I wanted to share with you this amazing game that I use as a center in my classroom.  It is sometimes hard for me as a music teacher to meet the same grouping standards my classroom teacher friends are able to meet!  I developed this series of games to challenge my kids and allow for differentiation.  There are 9 levels and the first one is free for you!  Read more about how I used them in centers on my blog!

This picture is of a great game by Pitch Publications for practicing rhythm.

Thanks for reading!  Hope this is useful to you!


Word Work for Primary Grades

Hi Everyone!  It's Taryn from Taryn's Unique Learning.  It's the first sunny day in Ohio in about a week and I'm getting ready to head out into the sunshine for a bit. But I wanted to post this for you before the weekend ends.

I'm no longer in the classroom but am an intervention teacher for K-4. I still L-O-V-E to squeeze this activity in whenever possible. But when I taught in the classroom, this was one of our FAVORITES! We did this at least twice per month. It is perfect for differentiating within your own class or among the grade levels.

Below you can see what is included in the packet.  This is a sample from a larger pack but thought you might like to try it out and see for yourself the benefits of using such an activity in your room. In the last picture you can see my magnetic letters posted.  This was not created to be an activity that kids use at their seats. It's important to have the students up and moving as you guide them to make grade appropriate words.  I invite students to my gathering area with their recording sheet, a clipboard, and a pencil. I print the recording sheet with the second sheet back to back as my kids can do this activity FOREVER!  We all make words together and record them as a group!

So are you are wondering what skills to incorporate in this lesson?  Kindergartners may simply copy and make words off the word wall if the letters are available on the board.  First graders may start with sight words but then may move to CVC words.  When stuck, you can suggest changing the first letter.  You can also work on changing out the vowel or ending consonant.  Older kids may work on multi-syllabic words, adding prefixes and suffixes, or any other skill you choose.

After completing this activity whole group, it is perfect for putting in a word work center, having your students review with a parent volunteer, and in your absence, your sub will thank you for leaving such an engaging activity!  Once your kids know the routine, it wouldn't be unheard of for them to work on this for 45 minutes!

And after doing this for several years, I added a new twist and often will have students go back to color lightly over the word boxes based on word families!  For example, in this particular activity, the students may come up with many words including:  cat, mat, bat, sat, hat, plus many other words. I encourage the kids to color the boxes with the -at words in one single color so they can visually see how they are the same. Words such as wool, cool, tool would be another color.  Make sense?

So you can see the versatility with this activity I'm sure!  For your free download, just follow the link below to my TPT store. And as always, I would love to hear back from you with some TPT love and a rating!  It truly helps when creating new products.

Until Next Time,

Magnetic Letter Move Around- Back to School Freebie

P.S.  Sorry for the Thanksgiving sample. This was the only one I had a picture of currently.  But you can see my favorite magnetic letters here.  I love the red vowels and blue consonants. Students can really see the patterns in words, especially at the lower levels with this.  I used a clip art/font that mimics these letters so it is reinforced as well on the colored pages.  

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Lemonade Time Scoot Freebie

Happy Tuesday all! It's Jeanie from Mrs. Humphries Class! I'm excited to share my 1st and 2nd grade Time Scoot freebie with all of you. Head on over to my blog to read more about it and get a copy for yourself.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Music Teacher's Giveaway

Hello FFFT followers,
We are back with our third GIVEAWAY and we are really excited, because it is for Music Teachers by Music Teachers!!! This raffle includes five fantastic resources created by music teachers for their own classrooms. There is nothing better than materials tested and approved by kids.

Would you like to know what the prizes are?

1. Ten Little Fish Literature and Song Lesson, price $3 by Pitch Publications

2. Way Up High In the Apple Tree Song and Literacy Pack, price $3 by Floating Down the River

3. Color by Rhythm - Ta, Titi, Ta-ah, Ta-ah-ah-ah, Rest, Half Rest, Whole Rest, price $3.00 by Garden Full of Knowledge

4. Orchestra Connection, price $4.50 by Ginny's Music Space

5. Summer Camp Songs Booklet, price $4.50 by Mrs. Stouffer's Music Room

That's right $18 worth of classroom materials for music teachers. No purchase necessary, just enter the raffle below, the more tasks completed, the more entries you will have and the better chances to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!

Friday, June 12, 2015

G is for Giveaway

Hello FFFT followers,

We are back with a second GIVEAWAY, here are the prizes:
Writing Instructions from Start to Finish $3.00 by Fun and Learning at BBA
Clip Art: Digital Papers (Letters) $2 by Sculpt Designs
Clip Art: Electric Guitar Set $3 by Pitch Clips
Clip Art: Hadasa's Alphabet Kids Capital Letters Clip Art Set $11.50 by Hadasa Designs

Sign up to win with our Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!

Friday, June 5, 2015

4th Grade Freebie!

Hi! It's Jennifer from 4th Grade Funky Town! I am so thrilled to be a part of this collaborative group of amazing teachers to offer freebies for our followers. I decided for my first freebie I would offer one of my popular items. It's a set of task cards covering the common core standards for maps an globes. My students enjoyed the cards and I think yours will too. Click here to sign up!

 Common Core: Social Studies: Maps and Globes

Some examples from the freebie:

Common Core: Social Studies: Maps and Globes  Common Core: Social Studies: Maps and Globes Common Core: Social Studies: Maps and Globes  

I hope you find it quite useful. Other products that are similar can be found here. Follow me on instagram, Facebook, my blog and TPT for updates and news on free products.

4th Grade Funky Town

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Finding Types of Sentences in Books

Hey everyone!  This is Crystal from Fun and Learning at BBA.  This is my first post on this amazing new collaborative blog.  I am so excited to be able to share some of my free products with you all!

My freebie for today is one of my favorite products:

This task card set is perfect for reviewing some of the basic sentence types.  Plus it gives students real life examples of those types of sentences as they find them their own classroom books.  There are eight task cards included in this set.  The first 4 cards ask students to find an example of a declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative sentence.  The second 4 cards look for sentences with prepositions and conjunctions.

I love using this set of cards after our first grammar unit about sentences.  By then, my students have practiced identifying and writing these types of sentences.  It is exciting to see them actively looking through our classroom library to find example of these sentence types in real-life writing.

Make sure you stop by my TpT store to pick up this free task card set.  {And don't forget to leave feedback!}  While you're there, click on the little green star to follow my store.  That ensures that you will hear about other freebies that I create as well as special follower freebies!