
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Winter Holiday Freebies Blog Hop

Happy Holidays Everyone!

We here at Fabulous Freebies for Teachers know that while the holidays are fun, they are also a busy and stressful time for teachers. You are shopping for presents, planning holiday parties, and maybe even sending out Christmas cards. Of course on top of all that, you are responsible for planning engaging lessons, keeping students interested as Christmas Break draws near, and coming up with interesting holiday activities.

So we are here to help!
Along with our favorite holiday memories, we are sharing nine free resources that will make this holiday season a little easier for you!
You can click on the image at the bottom of each post to hop to each blog and pick up your freebies. Have fun!

If you love both our Free and Paid products you can visit our stores, which are ALL on sale (up to 28% OFF) 
on Nov. 30 & Dec.1st. 
Just enter the code: SMILE at check out.


Monday, November 9, 2015

Why I Send Home an Awesome Work Folder Every Week {with a Freebie}

Every week, I painstakingly look at every paper that every student does. I mark questions wrong and put stickers or smiley faces on every good paper. Then I sort all those papers by subject and put them into each child's Awesome Work folder.

You can find out more about how I use the Awesome Work folder to motivate my students, 4 reasons why you should use the Awesome Work folder, and pick up your free covers here.